European Dialogues: Participative events for collective reflection and debate

In anticipation of the European Parliamentary elections, European Dialogues will be held on May 6, 13 and 20 in the San Telmo Museum, Donostia-San Sebastian. The events seek to generate ideas based in social cohesion and to facilitate an accessible and inter-disciplinary dialogue to ask ourselves: What is the meaning of Europe? And where are we headed?




May 6: The building blocks of Europe
. Speakers: Carlos Gabriel Ruiz Múgica (UPV-EHU), Juan José Alvarez (UPV-EHU) .

May 13: The keys to understanding the European labyrinth
. Speaker: Antonio Vitorino (Former European Commissioner of Justice and drafter of the Treaty of Lisbon).

May 20: European Expression and Culture… and its limits Speaker: Tere Irastortza (Poet and Director of Beasaingo ikastola)

Download the program.

Admission is free and the event will be streamed live.


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